1 Client Details
2 Applicant 2 Details
3 Existing Mortgages
4 Employment
5 Dependants
6 Buy to Lets
7 Liabilities
8 Protection
9 Auxiliary Services
10 Monthly Budget Planner
Mortgage Debt Fact-Find
IMPORTANT- Please complete all sections of this Fact-Find that are relevant to you - the more you include here the less we have to keep calling you for information.

Your main objective
Please explain in as much detail as possible the reason you wish to take on this new debt?

Are you or any member of your family a public official? (e.g. Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers and Deputy or assistant Ministers; Members of Parliament or of similar legislative bodies; Members of the governing bodies of political parties; Members of Supreme Courts, or Constitutional Courts or of other high level Judicial Bodies whose decisions are not generally subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances; Members of Courts of Auditors or of the Boards of Central Banks; Ambassadors, Charges D'affaires and high-ranking officers in the Armed Forces; Members of the Administrative, Management or Supervisory Boards of State-Owned Enterprises; Directors, Deputy Directors and members of the board or equivalent function of an international organization; High ranking officers of the police, security services and armed forces.)
Family ia a Member of
Personal details of main applicant
Is this application
If you have a Gmail email please use that
Genderpick one!
Do you have Valid willpick one!
Smokedin last 12 mths
If you have been less that 3yrs at current address 
complete previous addresses below

Personal details of Applicant 2
Applicant 2 Genderpick one!
Applicant 2 Valid willpick one!
Applicant 2 Smokedin last 12 mths
Is Applicant 2 address same as main applicant?
Your Existing Mortgage Details
Do you have an exsisting property?
Type of Propertypick one!
Tenurepick one!
Is your current Mortgagepick one!
Do you have to pay an ERC(Early Remayment Charge)
Your Borrowing Requirements
Will property be apick one!
Who will be borrowerpick one!
Main source of deposit
Additional source of deposit
Are additional funds available to increase the deposit
Please tell me your opinion on the following
How long do you feel is reasonable to be tied into a specific mortgage product?
Bank details 

(the one you wish your payments to be made from)

Employment Details
Do you own or run a business or know anyone that may require our help?pick one!
Do you own any commercial property or know anyone that does?pick one!
Do you have any current business loans outstanding?
Does your business own any commercial property or do you plan to buy in future?
Do you have business will or protection in place?(shareholder, key man or loan protection)
Applicant 1 - Your Employment Statuspick one!
Applicant 1 - Are you paidpick one!
Applicant 1 - Are you a Higher Tax Payerpick one!
Applicant 1 - How many weeks sick pay do you getpick one!
Applicant 1 - Are 2 years Accounts availablepick one!

Applicant 2 - employment details
Applicant 2 Employment Statuspick one!
Applicant 2 - Are they paidpick one!
App 2 How many weeks sick pay do you getpick one!
Applicant 2 Partner Are 2 years Accounts availablepick one!
Applicant 2 - Finances sharedwith Applicant 1
Do You have any dependants?pick one!
Child 1 - Dependent upon

Child 2 - Dependent upon

Child 3 - Dependent upon

Child 4 - Dependent upon

Child 5 - Dependent upon
Buy to Let Properties & Mortgages
Do You have any BTL's?
Property 1 Owned bypick one!
Do you have any mortgages on Property 1 ?if no continue
In who's name is the mortgage on Property 1pick one!

Property 2 Owned bypick one!
Property 2 Status
Do you have any mortgages on Property 2 ?if no continue
In who's name is Property 2pick one!

Liabilities / Loans / Credit Cards details of all
Do you have any loansIf 'Yes' please explain below
Please include in whom's name the loan or credit card is in, and when it finishes

LOANS & Credit Cards - Please include who they are with - amount per month - balance owed - amount of time left and in who's name it is.

Credit History
* All of the following fields are required *

Do you have or have you ever had any of the following*

Applicant 1
Current IVAs
Ever declared bankrupt
IVA for trust deeds

Applicant 2
App 2 Arrears
App 2 Defaults
App 2 Current IVAs
App 2 CCJ's
App 2 Repossessions
App 2 Ever declared bankrupt
App 2 IVA for trust deeds
Family, Business and Personal Protection
Do you have any current business insurance needs?(general business insurance PI etc or shareholder, key man or loan protection)

All insurance policies must be included, 

including employer ones.

Do you have any existing protection policies?

Main applicant
Applicant 2
Your Health

Do you have any medical conditions? (Provide details at the end of this form if yes or confirm none.)

Medical Conditions 1Client1
Medical Conditions 2Client 2

Are you, or have you ever been, a smoker? (including E-cigarettes.)

Smoker 1Client 1
Smoker 2Client 2

Establishing your Concerns
Life Cover

A life insurance policy that will ensure your estate is paid a lump sum on your death. These type of policies are sometimes linked to a mortgage, to make sure it is paid if you die.

Have you identified that you have a need for Life cover?

Need for cover 1
Need for cover 2

If yes, how much cover is required?

Over how many years cover is required?

Please explain why you want this level of cover and why this length of time?

For Critical Illness Cover (CIC)

Critical Illness Cover is an insurance policy that pays out a tax-free lump sum if you're diagnosed with, or undergo surgery for, a critical illness. It is designed to help support you and your family financially while you deal with your diagnosis, so you can focus on your recovery without worrying about how the bills will be paid.

CIC Need for cover 1
CIC Need for cover 2

If yes, how much cover is required?

Over how many years cover is required?

Please explain why you want this level of cover and why this length of time?

Income Protection - Your personal furlough scheme

Income Protection is a long-term insurance policy that replaces part of your income if you cannot work because you are ill or injured. It ensures you continue to receive a regular income until you either retire or are able to return to work. 

Have you identified that you have a need for Income Protection?

IP Need for cover 1
IP Need for cover 2

If yes, how much a month is required?

Over how many years cover is required?

Please explain why you want this level of cover and why this length of time?

Family Income Benefit

Family income benefit is a special type of life insurance policy that will ensure your loved ones are paid a regular income for a set period after your death. At the outset, figure out what sort of income would be needed your family to be financially stable should you pass away. Let’s say that your family would need £2,000 a month for the next 30 years in order to be secure were you to die.

Have you identified that your family have a need for Family Income Benefit?

Family Income Benefit required

How much cover is required for your family per month?

For how many years is cover required for your family?

Please explain why you want this level of cover and why this length of time?

Will Advice

Can we provide Will Advice

Wealth Management

Can we provide Wealth Management Advice

Conveyancing Solicitor

Do you have your own Solicitor who you will be using to do your Conveyancing? If No we will provide you with a no obligation quote.

Monthly Budget Planner
* All of the following fields are required *
